MephIlver o.O

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@TheCrazySuicideGirl: MUAHAHAHA! Silver kiss Mephiles on the lips Now :3

Sonic: *shoves Silver onto Mephiles making them kiss*

Silver: O.O *kisses Mephiles on da lips*

Mephiles: O/-/O You mortals

Shadow: *snaps picture*

Sonic: Did you take it?

Shadow: Of course I take the photo! ÒvÓ bummer is your hand is on Silver when you shove him to Mephiles.

Sonic: At least it's worth it >:3.

Silver: *parts away* ò//-//ó you guys sicken me so much.

Mephiles: Couldn't help but agree with you Silver.

Sonic: Aww.... The two are agreeing with each other :3

Mephiles: No I'm not! *kills Silver with tentacles*

Silver: XP *le dead*

Shadow: He's dead. *crosses arms*

Sonic: He'll revive anyway, õwõ

Mephiles: You mortals are such immatures *wipes (no lips) and goes away*

Shadow: Wait... How did they kiss if he had no lips?!

Sonic: Ask Silver.

Shadow: But he is DEAD!!!

Sonic: We'll ask him later then.

Shadow: I hate you all.

Sonic: You care for Silver now?

Shadow: F*censored*!!!!!

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