Scourge's first torture

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Swourge how da ya feel about da sonourge fanfics and Sonic you are my fav so can I get a hug I luv hugs
(Caution: Censored things up ahead... Oh wait am already sayi censored things from every chapter. FUUUU—)

Sonic: Sure~ *hugs myello360* You sure do like hugs?

myello360: Yup! *hugs him and grins*

Scourge: Uhm... I thought this ask and dare whatchamacallit is just for the three bozzos? But... Y did u add MEH?!

Steel: Feel the torture! So Ava how's the stay here?

Ava: Okay I guess Uncle Steel

Steel: :) I have a niece

Silver: *eye twitches* Watch where your hands are going Steel, you're holding my Sister's daughter

Steel: >:( Hey I'm an uncle too ya know. My mate's Hazen and he's part of the Triple Threat Dumb*ss

Silver: -3-"

Scourge: Eh... Gotta read 'em first. Am busy ruling over the other dimension so I got no time for reading those shi—

Author: *poofs in and slaps him* THOSE ARE FANFICTIONS AND U DUN CALL 'EM LITTLE PIECE OF SHITS CUZ I WILL MAKE YOUR ASS HURT *slaps him again and disappears XD*

Scourge: O__O What the heck was that?!

Shadow: You angered the admin Scourge, that's what you get for not respecting what they like. *spies on Sancum*

Sanctum: *sips on coffee* *sees Shadow* *smiles* Ah, Shadow. Seemingly you want to talk to me eh?

Shadow: o.O No way hoe day

Scourge: *finished reading SonOurge FanFics* O3o Da f*ck u all made me into a gurl, gay, and a drug loving addict

Sonic: -__-" At least in every FanFiction they made you into the bad boy who'd f*ck my poor gay *ss

Silver: o.O Alroghty then?

Ava: >:3 I gotta make this interesting.

(Alroghty then, everyone, since Ava and ze Triole Theeat are here. Time to give em asks and dares! >:D)

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