Early gifts yassss

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Hey Shads! You look hotter than Sonic. Let me give ya something. *takes out rock guitar necklace and wears it in Shadow's neck*
Dare for Sonic:Try to impress someone. If you do, I give you 10 chili dogs!
Dare for Silver: Give me a hug. I want warm hugs! If you do, I also give you 10 cookies!

Shadow: *stares at necklace* *smiles* Finally somebody says I'm hotter than Sonic

Sonic: -3-. I want chili dawgs! Alright now where will I find someone to impress?

Silver: How 'bout Rouge?

Sonic: Does she like Circus acts?

Rouge: Did I heard someone say circus act?

Sonic: Seat down Rouge Imma do something

Rouge: Alright hon *sits down*

Sonic: *gets Chaos Emeralds and some gems he got from Rouge*

Rouge: Interesting

Sonic: *begins juggling them like a pro*

Everyone: O.O Whoa!

Sonic: *throws one in the air while continue to juggle with one hand* *stands on one foot*

Rouge: Hon you're doing good!

Sonic: *makes seal lion noises*

Everyone: :D!!!!

Sonic: *turns super by using the emeralds* *juggles the rest of the gems*

Rouge: Wow

Sonic: *throws to Rouge the gems*

Rouge: *catches them in the air and throws them back to him*

Sonic: *catches them* *throws them back*

Rouge: *catches them and keeps them* Wow Sonic I'm impressed!

Sonic: Heh

Silver: Yay! I also like warm hugs! :D *hugs MaryAnnStar*

MaryAnnStar: I GIVE U YOUR PRICES!!! *gives Silver 10 cookies*

Silver: Yas! Munch munch!

Sonic: 'Bout me? I impressed someone or maybe *smirks* everyone

MaryAnnStar: Still 10 chili dogs

Sonic: No adding? D:

MaryAnnStar: Want them or not?

Sonic: I want them! *snatches them off her*

Shadow: Hey circus seal. You forgot no chili dogs for a week.

Sonic: ;-; Oh yeah. And I ain't a circus seal!

Shadow: Well we're gonna throw the chili dogs away

Sonic: Nooo!

Chili dogs: Bye bye Sonic suckah! :V *rides on unicorn going to rainbow skittles*

Sonic: ;-; Mah food! I impressed each and everyone of you and I deserve nothing?!

Silver: Poor Sonic

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