First time triple dares

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Ok I dare scourge to date Emma the hedragon"push her to him"
Emma:"blushing red"
Hey, Sonic I dare Chip to come back for...for as long as you want him to stay!
Welp Sonic your wish has been granted!
Sonic can be with Chip for the next 9 dares! ^^

Chip: *comes in the room* Um... Sonic?

Sonic: O.O... Chip! Buddy!

Chip: S-Sonic! *flies to him*

Sonic: *hugs him too* I... I never thought y-you'd come here.. Buddy *tries not to cry*

Chip: Yeah me too! Things have change since then!

Shadow: Well that looks like a chihuahua pup.

Silver: He seems to be nice tho.

Chip: O.O!!! Oh I also forgot! *brings out chocolate bar* Wants some chocolate?

Sonic: *chuckles* Chip, you never change.

Ava: You're cute! *pokes his cheek*

Chip: Aww... You too!

Ava: 0///0 Ahehe stop it!

Scourge: Come here now Emma~

Emma: -3-" Fine. *goes with him*

Scourge: I have so many dates this season~

Sonic: *rolls eyes* If you wish.

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