Little cute classics

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(( C. = Classic ))

I dare Sonic to hug Shadow (sorry shadz😰)
I dare Silver to meet little everyone in the past

I dare Shadow to tell me his story 😐😐

Shadow: How does affection towards someone have an affect on me?

Sonic: That's because the one who is gonna do affection towards you is me. *winks*

Shadow: *shivers* Ehh... I'd rather jump off a cliff with a bunch of sharks on the end.

Silver: I'll be glad to drop you in Shadow.

Shadow: -_- Not by you.

Sonic: Oh come on Shadow! It's just gonna be this once. *hugs him* Unless the others might dare for it.

Shadow: *groans* *rolls eyes* Alright, that's enough now, get off me. *pries him off*

Silver: Well have a moment! I'm gonna go back time traveling in the past! *creates portal* So long! *jumps in*

Sonic: Wait, how is he supposed to do the dare without having a recorder with him?!

Shadow: Psh, we have a LOT of cameras and those digital devices created by that genius friend of yours. And I would definitely be sure, Silver f*ck*ng brought two with him. In a "just in case" case.

Sonic: Well while he is away, tell the darer your story!

Shadow: *gruffs* No.

Sonic: Oh come on Shadow! Just this—

Shadow: If you say Just this once one more time! I will surely give you a just this once in a life time!

Sonic: Alright, alright! Calm yo tits Shad! I am not gonna let you tell them!

Shadow: *storms off*

Sonic: *sweatdrops* Hehe, sorry for that, but he is not in the mood in telling stories right now. Don't try to provoke him, he can be sensitive in telling  actually.

Shadow: *from background* I'M NOT SENSITIVE!!!

From the past~

C. Sonic: *stares at Silver*

Silver: Wow, so you're the quiet type huh?

C. Tails: He doesn't speak that much um... Mister.

Silver: Call me Silver! And you're quiet cute Tails.

C. Tails: *blushes* Thanks!

C. Knuckles: *pulls his quills*

Silver: Ack! Hey! Watch it!

C. Knuckles: He doesn't seem very nice to me at all. *crosses arms* *glares at him*

Silver: *sighs* Ugh, way to go to ruin the first impression.

C. Knuckles: -3-"

C. Sonic: *hands him a chili dog*

Silver: Aww! That's nice, thanks! *takes it and eats it*

C. Amy (or Rosy if you prefer): Sonic!!! *runs to C. Sonic*

C. Sonic: *sees her* *runs away panicking*

C. Tails: *chuckles* Sorry for that Mr. Silver, they're always like that.

Silver: Heh, I noticed. Sonic really didn't change from the future.

C. Sonic: *goes to him* Did you say the future?!

Silver: o-O What he talks?!

C. Sonic: -3- Of course I can talk Mr. Pothead. :3

Silver: -_- You still hadn't change with the name.

C. Knuckles: Still... You came from the future?!

C. Amy: Ooh! What's it like to be there?!

C. Tails: Do we all look cool?!

Silver: Whoa! Settle down children! The future is not to spoil!

C. Sonic: Pfft. Such a party pooper.

Silver: Sanic you watch your words.

C. Knuckles: Pfft! SANIC. Huehehe.

C. Sonic: D:

C. Amy: I'm just right here my dear Sonic!

C. Sonic: On second thought, I wanna come with Silver to see the future. *hides behind Silver*

Silver: ^^" Now do well behave children.

C. Knuckles: We are not *censored* Children you *censored*!!!

Silver, C. Tails, C. Amy, C. Sonic: o.O. . . . .

Silver: So that's how he learned to swear.

C. Sonic: Knuckles, that's no good.

Silver: Well I gotta leave ya guys. Nice to see you some time!

C. Tails: Good bye mister Silver!

C. Sonic: Bye Silver!

C. Amy: We hope to see you again! *waves*

C. Knuckles: Bye pothead!

Silver: -3-" *creates portal* *waves* *jumps in*

C. Sonic: Hmm... I wonder what the future is like...

Back from the present~

Silver: *gets back* I hope I hadn't change the flow of the timeline. *creeps in*

Shadow: So Silver, how was. With the classics?

Silver: *stops* Uhm... Very nice.

Sonic: Hmm... Yeah I remember you, Knuckles pulled your quills and you called me Sanic. -3-"

Silver: Ugh, well you started since you called me "pothead".

Tails: Why hadn't anyone just asked me to build a time machine? And why did I remember Silver being in the past?

Silver: 030 Maybe just in your dreams?

Tails: Oh well... Knuckles also complained about the memory he got about you saying we're children.

Silver: Hence forth it much be coincidence.

Sonic: Party pooper.

Silver: Oh PLEASE do not start with that.

Sonic: :3 What? Party pooper? Well at least you're unlike your dad, Shadow.


Silver: Ouch, that's harsh. Yeah I kind of agree but... If you had a son, that might hurt.

Shadow: Then you want Black Doom to be your Grandfather and Dr. Eggman as your cousin?

Silver: *gags* N-no w-way! Hoe day! Blech!!!

Sonic: Oh well, part of one big family problem.

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