Start of a good Christmas!!!

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Hmm well... Okay...
Shadow- I dare you to give Silver a nice big kiss for me. Because I ship it!!!
Sonic- I feel for you man so I'm giving your male status back. Happy Birthday!
Silver- stay cool bruh and I'm giving you skittles!

Alright I'm done! *peaces*

Sonic: *turns into a male again!* Yay! I miss my my old me! Back! Finally got that sexy male voice I've been waiting since ten chapters passed. But...

Shadow: *crosses arms* But what?

Sonic: I don't quiet remember what I did when I was a fem. so :/

Shadow: I wouldn't remind you anyway

Sonic: Well then... Thanks for this dare man! And thanks! My b-day's almost near!

Shadow: Wait you have two birthdays?

Sonic: Um yeah... The creating of me Sonic the Hedgehog and on December so Wut?

Shadow: -3-

Silver: Yay! Free Skittles! It's raining skittles! Thanks man!

Shadow: *slithers to him*

Silver: *arms spread out looking at raining skittles* Oh hey there snake man. Want some....

Shadow: *kisses him*

Silver: o///O Sh*t

Sonic: Whoo! I'm a real boy again! *sees Blaze* Oh hey Blaze! Why are you holding a torch?

Blaze: *looks at him  and softens* Oh hey there Sonic. I'm angry at this girl because she kissed me then goes kiss Silver.

Sonic: *doesn't remember at all* Um... Who is this girl you speak of?

Blaze: Well she looks awful a lot like you. And wears some kind of red dress or something

Sonic: 030 You're gonna burn her to death?

Blaze: Well yeah.

Sonic: Hey! It's the time of Season ya know! It's Christmas! All of us should be nicer to everyone and love snow right?

Blaze: *puts down torch* *sigh* Yeah I think so. Maybe you're right Sonic. You never change

Sonic: *smirks* Well what can I say? I'm not all great but I do make everyone smile, even Shadow.

Sonic: Hey everyone! Thanks for the dares! It's the time of Season! It's December!
Silver: Well even the dares are totes hilarious, thanks for giving them!
Shadow: *not naga on this part* Well I enjoyed some. But not when Sonic became a fem. but aside from that, I could get a smile for this December
Sonic: I call Holoska we go there
Silver: Wait where will the reunion be held?
Sonic: I'm thinking of someplace. Darkness_exe do you think Christmas Island is okay?
Shadow: Well just good luck with that
Silver: It's raining skittles! :D
Sonic: :3
Shadow: :)

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