Daddy Sonic & Silver

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lel since i wanna be nice to you doods let's play Who's your daddy with meh
May the best baby kill themself :33

Sonic: And we represent to you! Pandi!

Pandi: Hiya guys!

Silver: So the game is pretty explained and Sonic. Did you think about who the daddy and babies are?

Sonic: Since we are four and fair and square enough... Me and you Silver will be the daddies and the babies will be Chip and Pandi!

Pandi: Yay! I'll be able to taste Chlorox.

Silver: -.-" Just don't really get yourself killed.

Sonic: This could be good if Shadow was here, meaning we'd all be babies and he's the only dad. Heck it'll be a nightmare for him and also chaos. *snickers*

Silver: Time allotted for this, will be... Two hours straight since we only have two babies and two daddies and it'll be fair enough.

Sonic: Alright babies.... Where are they?!

Silver: I think they begin to kill themselves... WHAT?!

Sonic: HURRY AND SAVE THEM!!! *rushes to find Chip*

Silver: *rushes to find Pandi*

###With Sonic & Chip###

Chip: I'm gonna drown myself! *goes cannonball in a tub*

Sonic: *barges in* Chip what the hell are doing in the tub?!

Chip: Drowning myself? Since I'm a baby I'll be drowning myself in Wa. Ter.

Sonic: T^T Please don't do that Chip, I'll do anything.

Chip: Nope! *drowns himself*

Sonic: Agh! Chip! *goes near* Water is a friend. It wouldn't hurt you. BUT IT'LL DROWN THE BABY!

###With Silver & Pandi###

Silver: Where are you damn panda...

Pandi: *cleanse self with cologne*

Silver: Aha! What are you... *sniffs* Why do you smell good?

Pandi: Cause I'm fragrancing myself?

Silver: Eh.

###Back to Sonic###

Sonic: I can save him. Save him and the water would not hurt me. CHIP STOP DROWNING!

Chip: Save me you cowardice!

Sonic: I'm not a coward! *jumps in the tub*

Chip: Sonic!

###With Silver###

Silver: I smell somethin burning.

Pandi: *holds match*

Silver: Noooo! *pounces onto her*

Pandi: Silver!

###After 2 hours###

Chip: Yay Sonic! You did it!

Pandi: Yeah Silver! You completed the play!

Sonic: *soaking with water* R-r-right... T-the w-water i-i-is c-c-cold...

Silver: *burn from the fire* And my fabulous quills got scorched. Grr...

Pandi: Is running a good idea or optional?

Chip: Can be both.

Both: RUN! *runs out*

Sonic & Silver: GET BACK HERE YOU TWO!!!

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