Beware the puns (and inside yokes)

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KoatoheeTheCheroJeep :
Pffft! I have a dare! XD I dare ALL of you guys to invite Eggman over for a party and everything has to be egg themed. Also, Shadow has to grin during the entire party while cracking egg puns whether good or bad.
lol anyone can be invited but Eggman is the guest of honor!

I dare Sonic to try to run faster then his top speed. Then I dare Shadow to go to a gun range. Then Silver can just watch his favorite amine

Sonic: Are you serious about this?

Silver: Ugh. Do we have to?

Shadow: *rolls eyes*

Sonic: mm... I guess we could try it out tho

Silver & Shadow: What?!

Sonic: Yeah. I don't know but, just this once. But if it's horrible, then we stop it

Silver: Are. You. Serious?

Shadow: Wow Sonic. That's something to cringe on about

Sonic: Come on! Y'know what it would feel like when err... Egghead's the main event of the party right?

Shadow: Fine, I'll just go get some Easter egg  themes or egg themes with evil mustaches on them *goes buy dem cuz he be the eldest among them*

Silver: Does he know about the whole grinning and cracking up egg puns?

Sonic: Oh uh... I didn't tell him that. Just let him know when the party starts

Silver: You're cruel

Sonic: >:3 No I'm not

/3/3After a lot of preparing and guests come in...just bear with me okay?!/3/3

Dr. Eggman: Is this the right address?

Shadow: No, it isn't

Sonic: Oh don't be such a killjoy. Yeah come in

Eggman: What in actual...what is this?

Silver: Happy Birthday!

Shadow: *smacks him*

Silver: Hey! What did I do?

Shadow: Sonic and Eggman's birthday are just the same day

Sonic: qwq yeah

Eggman: Why is your eggy?

Sonic: Well...we're throwing a party! And you are the guest of honor!

Eggman: Well I'm flattered! But is this some kind of trick?

Shadow: If it is a trick then you would've been dead right now

Sonic: Yikes just welcome the guest of honor in, will ya?

Shadow: Why are you so enthusiastic today?

Sonic: *grins innocently* Nothing

Eggman: Well...I'll be cracking in then! *goes in*

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