All day w/ Ginger

391 19 4

I dare you All to play with Ginger all day!

And Question For Silver:watcha thing about Blaze the cat?

Sonic: Yay we're gonna babysit again!

Ginger: Hey I'm not a baby!

Shadow: Seriously? I thought this was only an ask or dare book. But why did it turn out to be a babysitting company?!

Ginger: *sticks out her tongue at him*

Shadow: -__-" I hate her already.

Silver: Well? Um... I could say about Blaze is that... She's really smart, really considerate for others... *whispers* also very pretty. *daydreams about her*

Sonic & Shadow: ō.Ô ō_Ô Um, okay...?

Minutes later~

Ginger: *plays tag with Sonic* You're it!

Sonic: Hehe ain't not! Get back here!

Silver: *at backyard grilling steaks* My chest fur brings all the girls to the yard!~

Shadow: *throws him a flip flop* >:/ SHUT UP YOU DUMB A**

Silver: *dodges it* Hey could you stop using your curse library?!

Sonic: Gotcha kiddo!

Ginger: Eep! *dodges*

Sonic: Whoops! *suddenly bumps onto Shadow*

Shadow: *falls from da window* FAKER!!!!

Sonic & Ginger: *looks down* Uh oh.

Shadow: *rises up and chases them* I'LL *censored* MAKE YOU PAY FOR THISSSSS!!!

Silver: Ooh! He became a snake!

Shadow: You too!

Silver: Gah!

Sonic, Ginger & Silver: Ah! Shadow's on a rampage!


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