Moi choilds

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I dare everyone to react replacing bets on wrestle mania 33 matches: Wal-Mart wedgie punishment
Aww I'm sorry Silver Now you can stay peaceful and do whatever you want :3
I give at Chip some chocolate :3, at Shadow some biscuits (or a vanilla ice cream) and at Sonic some Chilidogs :3  ...
BUT, I dare Chip to go in the house of "Night of Werehog" (>:3), I dare Shadow to post an embarrassing photo and I dare Sonic to insult IGN (>:3)
Bye guys (>:3) *leave*

(And I dare everyone to tell me if I wrote all right :3)

Sonic: Well you pretty seem to be a decent person. (:3)

Shadow: (-_-) What's with people putting up faces like this ":3"

Silver: It's a sign for randomness and cuteness! (:3)

Sonic: Now you two children! Stay here while you're momsie's gonna bring over the laptop okay? *winks*

Silver: Sure do mom! (^^)

Shadow: (-_-) I'm not a *censored* kid.

Sonic: *fake gasp* Shadow! What did I tell you about saying things like that?! Oh well guess this mom have to teach you some manners. And I'll protect you from bad guys don't worry.

Shadow: (0-o) Really now.

Chip: (:3) Yay I LOVE chocolates! *eats them*

Shadow: I don't eat... I'm the Ultimate Life—

Sonic: Oh Shadow dearie, what would people say to you if you don't eat? *holds Shadow's noodle arms* Look at these arms of yours, they are thin!

Shadow: Don't TOUCH me. (Get it... From my reference? :3)

Sonic: You gotta learn some manners young man! *eats chilidog* Yum!

Silver: And congratulations Chip! From receiving your prized chocolates, your going to have a trip over to Spagonia and go in Lah's ghost mansion!

Chip: (o.O) Say what now? *flashbacks* *remembers* Ah! I don't wanna go there! *hides behind Sonic* S-Sonic... I don't w-wanna go there...

Shadow: Well too bad *snaps fingers*

Chip: *poofs away*

Sonic: Shadster! What did you do to Chip?!

Shadow: (ō-ō) Please remove this motherly curse off this hedgehog. Please readers or darters or questioners or I'm just gonna call you viewers.

Silver: The curse might be lifted if you post an embarrassing photo. (;0)

Shadow: (-////-) No.

Sonic: Umm... Who's IGN? (:|)

Shadow: Fine! I'll post it! Here!

Silver: (O.O)

Sonic: (O-O)

Silver: Umm... That's pretty decent I guess?

Shadow: (-_-)

###With Chip###

Chip: *hides behind Lah* T-those guys scared me half t-to death!

Su: Hey! We're just taking shots on who the Werehog is!

Wu: Yeah! And you were pretty close.

Chip: (-.-) Can't you see I'm much smaller?!

Lah: ( ̄ー ̄) Guys what's the point in this. I finally found him already.

Su: Where's our kiss?!

Lah: I gave you two a couple of kisses so now it's time to give some chance to others. *kisses Chip's cheeks*

Chip: *faints*

Su & Wu: What?!

###Now back to them###

Sonic: Now let's watch moi childs!

Silver: (:3)

Shadow: (-_-)

All except Chip: *watches it*

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