Silver: The marriage?!

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BTW question for Silver: Since Tess and Hazen are getting married soon what do you think of there daughter Ava? -w-

Silver: Tess is getting married?! Hazen I will kill you! *runs out to find him*

Sonic: Oops... Uhh, someone better chase Silver before anything happens.

Shadow: It's just the three of us... You holding the camera?

Sonic: ^^" Oh yeah right. You chase him off.

Shadow: ònó fine... *chases off*

Sonic: Well while Shadow finds Silver, I gotta say congrats to the two of you! Even though I don't clearly know the two -w-

Shadow: I'm back

Silver: *asleep*


Silver: Gah! They have a daughter?! I shall marry her!

Sonic: *slaps him*

Silver: Wuh? Huh? Oh! What happened?

Shadow: Opinion about Hazen and Tess marriage and their daughter?

Silver: I'm fine about their daughter, but my problem is Hazen... *grits teeth* I still wouldn't trust him.

Sonic: Dude chill. Chili dogs?

Shadow: Not this again.

Silver: I'm out! *falls asleep*

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