Flippin on the other side!!!

150 9 19

Gotta dare for ya! I dare Sanic to try to do a backflip over the pool then land safely in the other side! >:

Sonic: *facepalms* This, is going to be embarrassing for me.

Silver: *playing on phone* Why?

Sonic: My siblings are coming over, and they would see me do a fail backflip over here.

Shadow: Just wish they'll be coming over late. And do that, I'm gonna record ya back flipping and splash on the cold pool.

Sonic: Not, funny Shadow.

Sonic: There is no pool. So I'm not going to do the dare (:3).

Silver: *looks out da window* Umm... Sonic, you mustn't underestimate the power of our administrator. *points out*

Sonic: Wha? *looks out* (-.-") I hate my mouth right now.

Shadow: Psh. *grins* Smile for the camera.

Sonic: When I do make a perfect back flip on the other side, you're gonna treat me out for chilidogs Shadow.

Shadow: I'm counting on it, Faker.

Silver: I'll try do something around here. *flips himself*

At the pool

Sonic: This will not fail, this will not fail, this will no—

Shadow: Don't mind me video taping you here. And you would mind.

Sonic: (-_-") *does position* *flies over*

Silver: *watches* (o^o)

Shadow: (-^-)

Sonic: *back flips three times*

Shadow: (=^=) Fail. Fail, please fail him.

Sonic: *lands on other side safely* *smiles* Well Shadow, you ARE gonna treat me out after all.

Shadow: Hmph. *turns off recorder* It would have been good to post over MobianTube.

Silver: I'm gonna do something. *goes out*

Sonic: And all's well, ends we—

Manic: *barges in* Yo Dude!

Sonic: Gah! *about to fall off*

Manic: Where's Soni— *trips and falls onto Sonic*

Both: AHHHHH!!!! *falls in pool*

Shadow: (ō-ô)....  Bahahahaha! You fell! Epic. Fail!

Sonic: (-3-") Manic, why'd you do that.

Sonia: We just came here to visit you three on what's doing what. Also Max also came.

Sonic: (Ono) Did he?

Max: That was quiet a fall there lil' brother.

Sonic: Gee... Thanks for pointing that out. *huffs* *swims out*

Manic: Hey! Wait for me! *swims out too*

Shadow: It's so perfect to pause on MobianTube now! Wait.... DAMN!!! Why did I turn off the recorder. (-.-")

Sonic: Well, that's that.

(Darkness_exe )

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