Rings for Brains!

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Hi there
Max Dark: I dare Silver to stand on a roof of a college building that is about three storeys high, give a smile and shout. "VOTE FOR DA SILVER FANDOM. IT COSTS NOTHING TO SUPPORT THE SILVER FANDOM"
Shadow, I'd like to ask a question. Would you limestone come over to my admin's book, where you and I hang out as friends.
Sonic, I dare you to have a nice day while there are 100 zombies after you.
Storm.exe:......C-can I a-ask him him?
Max Dark: Sure cousin
Storm.exe: Ch-Chip......c-could you r-rub my b-belly? I want y-you to f-feel the baby *blushes and smiles*

Silver: Well, it's worth a try. *flies on top of a college building*

Students: Wy. Why he up there?

Silver: *smiles down on them*

Students: Whoops.

Silver: Vote for da Silver Fandom! It costs nothing to support the Silver Fandom!

Sonic: Ouch. I think it hurt him pretty bad don't cha think?

Silver: Anyone?! I want some candy!

Shadow: Let me see. I hate faker as much as I could, then hang out with faker's brother... Eh, I can't come.

Sonic: And why?

Shadow: I have some other things to do. You can invite others.

Sonic: You are very rude Shadow.

Shadow: Watch out, there's a horde of zombie behind ya.

Sonic: *looks back* Holy effing chaos! *runs away*

Zombies: Rings!

Chip: I'm confused. Why do they say rings instead of brains?

Zombies: Because if we get his rings, we'll be buying brains.

Sonic: (X~X)

Zombies: Rings!

Sonic: How am I supposed to have a good day?!

Shadow: Chill?

Sonic: Chill?! That's my line!

Shadow: Geez.

Chip: Sure I can rub on your belly.

Storm.exe: *looks at him*

Chip: You sure?

Storm.exe: *nods*

Chip: *rubs belly* *feels kicking inside* Whoa... How'd you got a baby inside you?

Storm.exe: U-um...

Sonic: Chip, there are some things that you wouldn't understand yet. Like meee! *runs away*

Zombies: Get back here, with out rings!

Sonic: Do I look like I'm made of rings to you?!

Zombies: Yes.

Sonic: Of course you do... You're zombies!

Zombies: Rings for brains!

Sonic: *facepalms*

Silver: Whoa. Wth is Sonic doing down there goofin off with those zombies.

Shadow: I don't know. I don't care. Hmm... That could be a perfect quote for me.

Silver: Dang. Silver Fandom prevails! *plants his symbol flag on college*

Whole college: Silver Fandom!

Shadow: (o-0) How did you got their interests?

Silver: Um... Because it's no Use?

Shadow: You high?

Silver: (-.-) No, u is high. High up in the air, wiggle your hands up like you just don't care. High, high when you smoke weed. (Just made this up in my mind, don't mind it XD)

Shadow: *backs away slowly*

Silver: What?

Shadow: (0-0) I don't ever want to see your face ever again.

Silver: Candies!!!

College: He want candies! All hail the candies! *showers candies*

Silver: It's a dream come true! (:D)

Shadow: What. Just happened.

Chip: I touched a baby! (:D)

Sonic: *still being chased by 100 zombies* Aren't you guys exhausted?

Zombies: Rings!

Sonic: Come on! I wanna eat some chilidogs!


Sonic: I think I might die of forever running away from a horde of zombies.

Eggman: Yes! Zombies exhaust him even more so he'll die and I'll be able to rule over the planet! Nyah ha ha ha ha!

Sonic: You plotted this?!

Eggman: Um... No not actually, I'm just busy watching from up here. Oh, also nice outfit while doing the Team Rocjet thingy.

Sonic: (X///-///X) I want to be dead rn

Eggman: Den die imbecile! >:{D I want chu to die right now!

Sonic: Imma run up to you so this zombies will follow me. Since they ain't got no brains, they'll spread into different directions, majorly headed to you.

Eggman: What?!

Sonic: I can do that. With a flick of a finger.

Shadow: *eating popcorn* Wellm Doctor just wasted his time tlaking to the faker.

Chip: I touched babies! *still looking at hands*

Silver: *already have a Protest on making a Silver The Hedgehog game*

Shadow: *facepalms*

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