The dating game

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I got another dare. This one is for Female Sonic. I dare you to date Storm.exe

Sonic: Brother! Why do you do this to meh! ;n; I now regretted doing this female thing! *kicks a random can on the ground*

Shadow: You gotta admit it though

Silver: *looks at their iPad* o.O *whispering* So many SonAdow!

Shadow: Did you just say something Silver?

Silver: ^-^ Nah Nothing.

Shadow: *narrows eyes*

Sonic: *in a red frilly dress* -n-

Silver: Whoa Sonic. Who dressed you like that?

Amy: Me! Well someone gotta need to take him on a make over! Or I meant her

Sonic: Amy... I thought you love meh!

Amy: Shush! We work on your hair! I can't love you if you are a girl! But Yuri sounds nice though -u- *wiggles eye brows*

Sonic: o-o No thanks.

Storm.exe: *shyly goes to them*

Amy: Here's your date Storm. Hehe. Toodles! *goes out*

Storm.exe: *blushes* Lets go. *holds her hand*

Sonic: *takes his hand*

Silver: *stalker mode on* Lets stalk them >:)

Shadow: -3-" Fine

At le date~

Sonic: *only looks around nervously*

Storm.exe: *stares at him and blushing*

Waiter: Here are your orders Madame and Sir

Sonic: -.-"

Storm.exe: *gulps*

Sonic: *sigh* So... What are things that you like to do?

Storm.exe: M-me?

Sonic: Um... Yeah? Stop asking questions to me please

Storm.exe: *gulps*

Sonic: o.O Um... Are you okay?

Silver: *suddenly butts in* Boomshakalaka!

Storm.exe: Ah!

Sonic: Hey you scared the heck out of me!

Shadow: Speaking of scared.... Where is Storm?

Sonic: What? 030 *looks around*

Shadow: *looks under the table* -3- He is under here guys

Storm.exe: Hehe... ;-; I... *faints*

Sonic: *facepalms* Why are their many fainting people?

ASK Sonic, Shadow & SilverWhere stories live. Discover now