This just got random

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Hey guys thank you for helping my catch ghost and I am back again with a few Dares and Questions
Dare 1
I dare Sonic to turn into a girl for 3 chapters but thankful I didn't turn you Ringor a girl unti, the potion wears off and Potion still work even if your a girl
Dare 2
I dare you guys to allow Rachel to stay here for 10 chapters down worry she won't be a bother she'll be playing some back ground piano music for example if anything dramatic,sad,scary happen she'll play some Piano background music and here something for chip here have a bowl of chocolate fudge ice cream for being so brave and for caliber I have a magic trick to turn you into for the Sharpest sword in Mobios
to Silver: why do you hate Haven being your brother in Law
to: Shadow how do you feel about Sonic turning into a girl
and I almost forget down make Rachel angry if you down want winter or another ice age to come she pretty much controls water and ice at the same time so down okay. and I give thanks to the admin.

Admin: Aww, you're too sweet there darling~

Sonic: I object to that opinion!

Admin: Jealous much?

Sonic: No, and how'd you get even get here?

Admin: I got powers.....duh

Silver: Very, valuable, reason there

Admin: *winks*

Sonic: And I have to be a girl

Admin: Sorry dude *uses authority powers to turn him to a girl again*

Sonic: *disappears*

Chip: *gasps* Where'd he go?!

Shadow: My bae! D: </3

Admin: Don't worry, he'll be back that's just the side effect of my authority powers. And stop being over dramatic Shadow

Shadow: *cries in the corner* Sonic my love!

Silver: =_= Tough luck

Rachel: *plays sad piano music*

Silver: And how's she get here?!

Admin: By the power destined in me, I have the authority to do whatever I want :P

Silver: ... But isn't this your book admin?


Silver: ... Sonic and Shadow aren't my brothers -3- and we've been breaking the fourth wall ever since the beginning of the bo—

Admin: *covers his mouth* Hush my child! I do not allow you to reveal anything. Chip is still innocent!

Chip: *licks ice cream like a puppy*

Ppl: Awww!

Caliber: Sharpest sword in the whole of world? Why there is no such thing as 'sharpest' it's just your expression but there no sharpest of things

Silver: *hisses* I. Hate. Lectures! *hisses again*

Caliber: Whatever you might say

Silver: *hisses*

Rachel: *plays dramatic music*

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