Note the sarcasm

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Okie the Devil 😈😈😈
Sonic: I dare you to go 3 months no chilidogs... Jk I'm not that mean I dare you to try to kiss my friend @jpina27. (sorry Jade)
Shadow: I have a gift for you (they are guns that haven't been invented yet and the very last of them)
Silver: become my bff 0w0

D. Sonic: I thought a while there that would be true. But I don't really care if food runs out.
(Sonic: I care!!!)

Shadow: But you gotta try and kiss someone.

D. Sonic: Tch. Easy! Come here... Jade. I'm going to have kiss someone again after feeling lips to lips again hehe. *licks lips*

Silver: Really? Note the sarcasm there.

Sonic: Heh, I'll show you. *pulls her close* *kiss lips* Better?

Jade: Uhmm... O////o

Shadow: I guess so. What's this gun called? Not even invented? And the last of them. Does that mean this gun is extinct or endangered?

Silver: That's not an animal.

Shadow: I'm just trying to joke.

D. Sonic: Note the sarcasm

Shadow: Do your dare Silver.

Silver: Sure! I'll be your best friend! But maybe not forever cause... Ya know.

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