Spying on you

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FoxNinja360 : Hehehehehe! I dare Silver to check on Tessa and Hazen if you want to know where they are there in the park cuddling -w-

Silver: *stalker mode on*

Sonic: Hey Silver, where you going?

Silver: Somewhere *eye twitches*

Shadow: Hm... It better be good.

Silver: And I'm taking the camera with meh! *gets da camera*

Sonic: Hey! We needed that!

Silver: Bye!

At da park

Silver: *hides in the bushes still holding the camera* Hm....

Tessa and Hazen: *sits on bench cuddling*

Tessa: You're so sweet!

Hazen: You're so cute!

Silver: *narrows eyes*

Hazen: *looks back and sees him* O-O

Silver: (; Shhhh.... Go on.

Hazen: *turns around*

Tessa: Hey what's the matter?

Hazen: O.O

Tessa: *looks around*

Silver: *hides*

Tessa: Silver!

Silver: Yikes! I got caught! *runs away with the camera*

Tessa: Get back here you idiot! *chases him*

Hazen: *sigh* left all alone.

Chili dog still riding on unicorn: I feel you dude

Hazen: o___O

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