The frustration

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I'm frustrated. So sorry to all of you. Sonic; jump in the deepest pool.
Me, annoy Knuckles half to death until he punches me
Chip.... Stay cool

Shadow: Does that mean I don't have to do any dares or answer stupid questions this time?

Sonic: You're lucky.

Shadow: (;3)

Sonic: Grr... I've been soaked a couple of times...

Silver: At least you wouldn't have to get punched. Faker.

Sonic: You're the fake hedgehog around here!

Shadow: Stop bickering, you stole my line which is copyrighted by me, and just to the damn dares while Chip and I stay cool. *puts on swag shades*

Chip: Yeah. *puts on swag shades too*

Sonic: *rolls eyes* Faker. *jumps in the deepest pool*

Silver: *pokes Knuckles* Hey Knuckles *repeats multiple times*

Knuckles: What?

Silver: *cute face* Nothin'

Knuckles: Hmph.

Silver: *does it again*

Knuckles: What do you want?!

Silver: I said nothing.

Knuckles: Grr...

Silver: *plays with his dreadlocks quills* *tying it with ribbons*

Knuckles: Alright that's enough! *punches his face*

Silver: *gets punched* *slams on the wall*

Knuckles: What am I even doing here?! *storms off*

Shadow: (._.;) Uhh...

Silver: *spits out blood* Tch. This is stupid. Now I have a black eye.

Chip: Where's Sonic?

Pool: *forms bubbles* He's drowning again fellas.

Shadow: (0-0) *jumps in pool*

Silver: *jumps in also*

Chip: (0.0)

Shadow & Silver: *comes out holding Sonic*

Sonic: *unconscious*

Chip: Sonic! *flies to help*

Shadow: He's almost dying.

Silver: *pumps chest* He needs CPR.

Chip: Uhh...

Shadow & Silver: I'm not gonna do it!

Chip: Fine I'll heal him.

Shadow: Because if I did, SonAdow fans will suddenly revive.

Silver: Because if I did, SonIlver fans will suddenly tackle me.

Chip: *finished healing Sonic*

Sonic: *wakes up* W-what happened?

Shadow: You drowned.

Silver: You were almost out of air.

Sonic: Oh.

Chip: Good thing I saved ya.

Sonic: T-thanks.

All: *tensed*

Silver: Well... This is awkward.

Shadow: . . . . . *stares at Sonic*

Sonic: Stop staring Shadow.

Shadow: I-I was not.

Silver: (:|)

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