Very mad cat

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now my question. Silver: have you ever made blaze VERY VERY VERY mad? If you did, I'd like to know what you did.
Also Go yandere Sonic!

Silver: Well actually... I just only made Blaze slightly mad at me.

Shadow: Really?

Silver: Fine. Maybe VERY VERY mad. Not with the third very what so ever.

Sonic: Go on *sharpens knives*

Silver: You really sure I have to tell this?

Shadow: Just answer the damn question!

Silver: Sheesh, no need to be harsh commander whatever. Well what I made Blaze very mad in the first place is that... We were training for our skills when I accidentally knocked her on the head with a rock.

Shadow: Did she take it in?

Silver: At first, she tells me to be cautious next time and don't do it again. But eventually I got that again in the second time and she tries to tell me to work on my moves.

Sonic: And then what happened?

Silver: I keep on going that by accident until she had enough that she erupted to flames. And I accidentally poured water over her cause I really thought she was on fire.

Shadow: Let me guess. She really flew to fiery rage and chased you around saying 'I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS' and you eventually survived the tremor.

Silver: More on that one.

Sonic: Well guys you better start running again.

Shadow: Why?

Silver: I think we better go, see ya! *runs out*

Shadow: Wait what?

Sonic: *stands up holding knife* You might wanna get the chance to escape though. >;) I won't do anything bad.

Shadow: o.O Sayonara Sonic. *runs out also*

Sonic: *raises knife and chases them* Come back here you two Senpais of mine! Come back here!

Manic: *peeks out seeing they were gone* Well guys, I guess that's the end for this show tonight. Like what Shadow says, Sayonara.

Sonic: *in the background* Senpais!

Manic: -3-"

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