Not to Cringe SO HARD

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Okay so since i want to be "nice" with you guys i want Sonic and Silver to Try Not To Cringe Challenge oh and ill be letting the Auhor in this book to pick the videos
If one of you cringe at this then i will take you both >:33 cauz why not ;33
Also if you guys dont know what cringe is: Your trying not to hate the video and yeaaahh
Goodluck with that

Sonic: Finally someone who knows Shadow isn't here!!!

Silver: You didn't just read that readers... Right?!

Sonic: Oh shush... Where's the laptop?

Silver: We don't have any laptop.

Sonic: ;^; Dang.

Chip: You guys are pretty rich and famous, right? Besides, I think Admin had sent us a laptop.

Silver: Ooh! Lemme have it! *gets it using telekinesis*

Sonic: I swear to chaos it's so thin that I'm used to seeing Tails'  laptop. But dang it's thin and flat!

Silver: Come on lets watch!

Sonic: On we'll win the "Try Not To Cringe Challenge" Pandi! You bet I will!

Silver: Hey! I will not cringe also.

Chip: I shall also join! Also, Admin delivered as some chips, snacks and soda while we watch.

Sonic & Silver: *stares at each other*

Sonic: *smiles* You know what this means?

Silver: Oh you bet I do.


Chip: This is gonna be fun! Too bad Shadow isn't here.

Sonic: Are you kidding? We'll do great! Besides he hasn't experience all this fun while his gone.

Silver: *already in position* *eating Stax* Lets watch already!

Sonic: Oh yeah! *sits beside*

Chip: *sits in the middle*

###Throughout the whole video thing XD###

Sonic: *tries not to cringe*

Silver: *chuckles* Ready to make a sour face.

Sonic: *sticks out tongue* Your dreams fluff.

Chip: *drinking soda like his drunk*


Silver: *wants to cringe*

Sonic: How about you cringing then?

Silver: Pfft no way, hoe day.

Sonic: I told you I'm not a hoe!

Silver: If you say so.

Chip: *eats some chips like its the end of the world*


Silver: *eye twitches*

Sonic: *ears moving back and forth*

Chip: *yawns*

Sonic: You're gonna cringe. Any moment now.

Silver: No way, you are gonna cringe.

Sonic: You are

Silver: You are

##Final scene comes up##

Sonic & Silver: *sees something very inappropriate and unusual they cringed... SO HARD OMF*

Sonic: ∑(゚Д゚)

Silver: m(_ _)m

Sonic: I'm suffering!!!

Silver: I need BLEACH!!!

Sonic: Chug in some Clorox!

Silver: Go to space or somethin!!!

Chip: Meh... I've seen much of this before.

Sonic & Silver: . . . . . *both faint*

Chip: O.o What did I do?!

Well Chip won the challenge fair and square XD

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