Sin Cara #28

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"You can't force me to go to the gym with you." I played with the hem of my shirt whilst Jorge got ready to head to the gym.

"I can." He argued, turning around and looking at me. I shook my head over at him, "trust me."

"What are you going to do, drag me out of the door by my feet." Jorge sighed over at me, sitting beside me on our bed.

"Not quite, but I know your weakness." I giggled over at him, as he too tried to keep a straight face.

"I don't have no weaknesses," I lied, as he raised his hand up, digging his hand into my side, tickling my waist and hips. I jumped up in the air, squealing trying to get him to stop. "Ok, I'm sorry, I'll come to the gym with you I promise." Jorge let go of me, pulling me up off of the bed.

"Come on then, I'm going to work you so hard, I know your weakness remember." He winked over at me.

"You're never going to let that go are you?" He shook his head making me sigh. "Fine." I got up, grabbing a change of clothes, heading into the bathroom to change.

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