The Miz #25

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"You're a lot braver then I am." I looked to my left to see Mike cringing like a baby as he watched on.

"It's just a tattoo, I don't understand all the fuss." He couldn't dare look over at what the artist was doing on my ankle, instead he just watched the calm expression on my face. "I don't understand why I even invited you along."

"Doesn't it brother you? The needles digging into your skin engraving the ink?" I shook my head, laughing at my cowardly boyfriend.

"It doesn't even hurt babe." I told him as I felt the needle cut through my skin. He shut his eyes as the needle went back in again, the noise it made not making his experience any better.

"Done," she said, sliding away, allowing Mike to get up and see it first.

"It's pretty I have to admit." I looked down to see the little flower tattooed on my ankle.

"I know. Just don't touch it." I warned him as the artist came back over, bandaging me up.

"This is why I will never get a tattoo," he told me and the artist.

"Good," I replied, "because you are perfect just the way you are."

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