Baron Corbin #16

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I jumped up from my seat upon hearing a knock at the door. It was eleven at night so I had no idea who it could be, I couldn't even see anything though the small glass plate in the door. I unlocked the chain, opening it up to see a giant figure, and a huge case. I followed the body up until I saw Baron smiling down at me, running a hand through his hair. It took me a minute to process what was happening, but as soon as it did I jumped up into his arms. "You're not meant to be home for another four days."

"I know, but I missed you too much." He carried me inside, as my arms stayed around his neck.

"I missed you so much more." I felt him kiss my neck, tightening his grip around me.

"I love you," he whispered placing me back on the floor. I placed my hand on his cheek, smiling in content that he was finally home.

"I love you too," I replied, reaching up on my tiptoes to kiss him on the lips. "I wish you never had to leave again."

"Me too love." He broke away to grab his case from outside. "Let's not worry about that now, we've got four more days to spend with each other." I nodded, walking over into his open arms for another tight hug.

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