Shane Thorne #5

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"So, I went to the shop today and I couldn't help but spot the perfect costumes for Halloween this year." Shane hardly got through the door before he started telling me about his purchases from his shopping trip. He dropped all the bags except for one, throwing it over at me. "Take a look." I smiled opening it up and pulling out one red package and one green package. I tore off the wrapping, flapping the green one out until it revealed itself.

"Cute!" I smiled, looking at the little details that showed me it was a Luigi costume.

"I've got myself a-"

"-Mario one, what a surprise." He held up his own costume, showing it with a huge smile on his face. "Come on then, try it on." I sighed, slumbing down in my seat shaking my head. "Alright, I'll put mine on if you do yours." I unzipped the one piece, climbing in and doing it up as Shane did the same. We stood back to back, as Shane counted down from three. "Ready?" We both spun around together, bursting into fits of laughter.

"You look amazing!" I chuckled looking at the huge moustache that sat above his lip. He smirked over at me, hugging me tightly.

"You look incredible Luigi." He whispered into my ear.

"You look even better Mario," I responded, feeling the ends of the fake beard tickling my cheek.

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