Tyler Breeze #25

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"Ty, it doesn't even hurt, stop panicking." He ignored my comment, continuing to speed around the house, opening and closing all the drawers.

"They've got to be here somewhere, we can't have just ran out." I shook my head, resting my hand still on the table like I'd been instructed to.

"It really doesn't matter, I'm sure it'll be alright, just give it a few minutes." His head span around, eyes wide, brushing his blonde locks out of his face that had fallen.

"Are you joking? We can't let this happen, we haven't got a few mintues, I know they are here somewhere, just let me find them." I rolled my eyes watching him turn back to the drawer.

"Tyler! It's a paper cut, calm down, just get me a tissue, and stop being a child." He sighed, slamming the drawer with a loud clutter.

"Are you sure it doesn't hurt?" I nodded, reaching out with my less damaged hand, bringing him in between my legs where I sat on the kitchen counter. "You're so clumsy," he smiled, kissing the top of my head.

"I don't think I'm the clumsy one, look at the mess you've got to clean up now," I reminded him, pointing out the heap of items that had come flying out of the drawers.

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