TJ Perkins #41

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I felt his body lower down so he was crouching down in front of me, his eyes staring at my lowered head. "Baby, will you let me know what's wrong?"

I opened my mouth trying to talk, but my tears choked me back once again, slowly dropping down my cheeks. TJ's thumb brushed along my cheek, quickly wiping them away.

"It's alright, I'm here." I nodded, leaning forwards a little and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Come on, whatever it is can wait, lets do something."

"I don't want to." I whispered, but he carried on anyway, picking me up around my waist, carrying me to the front of our house, placing me on my feet.

"Smile, for me?" He stared right into my eyes, looking for the corners of my mouth to turn up. I sighed, weakly fighting through the painful barrier and flashing him a fake little grin.

"That's all you've got?" I nodded, grabbing a pair of sandals and sliding them on. "We are gonna go out and we are going to have the best time and whatever it is that is troubling you will be forgotten in the next half an hour, I promise." He wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing me into his frame, kissing the top of my head.

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