Baron Corbin #16

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My eyes slowly opened as I was met with a fuzzy figure looming over me. As I slowly readjusted I realised it was in fact Baron who was smiling a giant toothy grin at me. "Hey, you're awake." I looked at him in confusion as I realised where I was.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You took a bit of a tumble at the show. Eva botched up her move so you hit your head and bent your neck the wrong way." I sighed as I felt a giant ache in my head.

"Thank you for staying with me," I whispered, my voice very groggy.

"You don't have to thank me, I love you, it's my role to come and look after you, no matter where you are." He leaned down placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I love too," I replied to him, as everything started to piece together from the night. "Did you win?"

"Of course I did babe, but that doesn't matter right now, let's just focus on you for a little while and I'll tell you how the match went later." I nodded as the doctor walked in carrying his clipboard.

"Nice to see you up," he said as my series of tests began, Baron's hand in mine the entire time.

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