Shane Thorne #37

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"Welcome to the world little one," the Aussie cooed, slowly placing his hand on the top of your newborn son's head, running his thumb across it. "He's just so gorgeous."

"I can't believe he's here," you whispered, still a little tired and achey.

"You were incredible, I've never been so proud of you." You smiled up at Shane, watching as he leaned down towards you and pecked your lips softly.

"Thank you darling, I couldn't of done it without your support." He smiled, looking back down at the baby cradled in your arms. His eyes couldn't be torn from your boy, looking and admiring every detail. "Do you wanna hold him?"

"You don't even have to ask," Shane told you, sliding his arms between you and your baby, slowly lifting him up and bringing him into his chest.

"See, you're a natural." Shane sat back down in his armchair, lightly bouncing him up and down.

"He's got your eyes," Shane told you, looking between the two of you.

"Well he's definitely got your nose," you responded, watching him poke the little button nose that protruded, making the little boy squirm. "He likes me."

"Well of course he does, you're his father."

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