Peyton Royce #47

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I pulled up in the car park of the Performance Centre, grabbing the carrier bag on the passenger seat, walking into the door.

"Hey Y/N, you hear to see Peyton?" Matt asked, sat behind the desk.

"Yes sir." He smiled, unlocking the door for me.

"She's just down on the treadmills." I smiled back, walking through and quickly noticing her purple hair.

I came up behind her, tapping her shoulder. "Hi," I whispered as she turned around.

"What are you doing here?" Her face was one of confusion, puzzled as to why I stood before her.

"Well you left in a bit of a rush this morning, and you happened to forget your lunch, so here it is." I handed her the bag, packed with everything she usually had.

"I didn't even realise," she groaned, kicking herself. "I don't know what I'd do without you thank you for bringing it."

"You're welcome," I replied, allowing her to sweetly peck my cheek. "Now get back to sweating, you have to earn your lunch."

"I will, plus seeing your face has given me an extra bit of motivation." I blushed a little, pushing her back onto the machine before heading back out of the centre.

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