Shane Thorne #31

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I walked into the bedroom, following the loud rustle that came from inside the room. "Hello?" I questioned apprehensively. 

"Babe? Hi." I looked up noticing Shane's head popping up from the small toy box that was at the end of the bedroom in the back corner.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, laughing as I got a better look just how uncomfortable he was. 

"I'm hiding, your niece decided it would be fun to play hide and seek, so here I am!" I walked back and shut the door, then sat down beside him. 

"She's never going to know you're in here, she's not allowed in here." He proudly smiled to himself, nodding his head at me. 

"I know, that's where the fun is." I hit his shoulder lightly in disgust. 

"She's a seven year old girl, you're supposed to be a good uncle and entertain her." He shrugged his shoulders. 

"Uncle Shane!" A little voice shouted, moving up the stairs. 

I jumped and pushed Shane's head down, slamming the lid back down on top of it. 

"I thought you said that she wouldn't find me in here," his muffled voice said curled up into a ball. 

"I know, but where's the fun of you being out here, when you could be in there."

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