Dean Ambrose #12

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I could see the sun coming through the window, but desperately tried to ignore it. I could feel Dean's sleeping figure stirring beside me, but I wasn't in the mood to wake up just yet. I settled back down and snuggled into the pillow, sliding my hand underneath. I heard him cough behind me, and then his finger prod my side. I thought it was an accident until I felt it again. "Y/N," he whispered, but I chose to ignore him. He carried on digging into my side until I turned around and slowly opened my eyes.

"Can you stop poking me?" I murmured sleepily. My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright light that was the summer sun, focusing on Dean's pout looking over at me.

"I don't like it when you're sleepy." I smiled weakly over at him, grabbing hold of his hand. "I want to go out and explore."

"We will, just five more minutes." I went to turn around but his muscular arm around me stopped me. He spun me around so I was looking back at him, snuggling tightly to the duvet.

"I know what your five minutes is like, and it is not happening." He jumped up and opened the curtains, whipping the duvet off of me.

"I hate you," I whispered, spinning my body around and getting out of the bed.

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