Adam Cole #6

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"How's Adam doing?" Dakota asked across the table in amongst the rest of the girls.

"He's tired, but he won't ever admit it so he's just getting by." A few of them smiled, it was a feeling we were all very much used to.

"Speak of the devil." We all spun our heads around watching him walk into the room with Kyle by his side, walking in our direction.

"Hello." He smiled, waving at everyone.

"You alright?" I asked feeling his lips press to the top of my head.

"I'm alright. I bought you a coffee, hopefully this'll wake you up a bit." He handed me a plastic cup from catering, steam coming from it.

"You're too good for me, thanks love." I took the lid off hoping to cool it down a little.

"I wish Montez would do stuff like this for me," Bianca groaned, gaining the understanding of many around her.

"What can I say? He's one in a million." A little blush crept onto Adam's cheeks, looking down at the ground.

"I've got to go but I'll catch you later."
I leaned up to receive a soft kiss. "See you later girls," he added turning his back to walk away.

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