Baron Corbin #41

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"So, I got the details through for the next tour?" I turned my phone off, looking up at the tattooed hunk as he walked into our bedroom.

"What's the plan?" He sat down beside me, pulling out a piece of paper, which made absolutely no sense to me.

"Well I'm on tour for three whole weeks this time around, there's a few media jobs I've got to do during the days off, so I won't make it home." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Come on, don't get upset, smile, for me."

"How can I possibly smile about all this, you're leaving me for three weeks." He pulled me a little closer towards him, resting his hand on my thigh.

"Well there's a little bit that I forgot to tell you." The smirk on his face grew, looking down at me. "You're coming on this tour with me."

"What!" I jumped up a little, shoving him in the arm. "Why would you mess me about like that?" I fell down into his chest, feeling his muscular arm wrap around my waist.

"You never fail to make me chuckle little one." I felt him kiss the top of my head lightly, "you best get your bags packed, we leave first thing tomorrow morning."

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