Roman Reigns #46

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"Is that really the image you want to go for?" I sighed looking down at the new ring gear I was showing him.

"What do you mean?" The pain in my voice was clear for him to hear.

"Well I just don't want everyone staring at you, and your bum and boobs, it's not right." I sighed, grabbing my jumper and quickly threw it back over my head.

"Is that really your problem here? I think you're jealous that all the attention is gonna be on me for once." He stood up and moved right in front of me.

"I'm not jealous," he spat back, "I just want to people know that you belong to me and that those sights are for my eyes."

"They're just looking Ro, it's not like they get to take me home at the end of the night is it." He grunted, sighing in defeat.

"Why do you always have to be right?"
He questioned with a sheepish grin.

"Because I'm a woman, and women are always right." He rolled his eyes, placing his hands at the hem of the jumper, lifting it over my head.

"Now let me see that gear once last time," he whispered into my ear.

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