Shane Thorne #34

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"Wake up princess," I heard the Aussie accent whisper. I sighed, slowly turning around so I was staring back up at him. "We've got a great day ahead."

"Go away Shane, I'm so tired." I heard him chuckle, loosely wrapping his arm over my chest, looking up at my sleepy eyes.

"You can't stay in bed forever, however nice it might be." I slowly sat up, tightening my ponytail up, running my hands over my face.

"Can't we just have five more minutes, I'm sure whatever it is we are doing can hold off." He shook his head, leaning upright on his elbows, running his hand along my back.

"I don't think flights can be moved just for a tired person."

"Flights?" I asked, turning around to look back at him nodding.

"Well yeah, how else are we gonna get to Paris?" My has hit the floor, looking at him in disbelief.

"We're going to Paris? You're not joking right?" He shook his head, sitting up and wrapped his arms around me, kissing my bare shoulder.

"You deserve a little getaway, so where better to go then the love capital of the world." Somehow I had a new wave of energy, jumping out of bed, taking the suitcase out of the wardrobe.

"Come on, we've got no time to lose, let's go to Paris!"

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