Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #19

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"Oh god, no!" Dean opened up the car door, walking out to meet Seth who was sat behind him. He couldnt bare to look down at the red car behind him, not now, not ever. He took a deep breath, feeling Seth come up beside him, looking down at the huge dent in the right bumper where he had ultimately failed at reversing.

"My mum is going to kill me, this car is her pride and joy, how am I going to explain this to her?" Dean couldn't prevent the tremendous feeling of guilt that bubbled inside of him, he'd caused all this.

"Just tell her I did it, tell her the truth, she at least deserves that." Seth felt terrible, looking across at Dean's sad eyes, it was only an accident, the damage wasn't malicious.

"Maybe we'll tell her it was some stranger, she might get it on the insurance." Seth wrapped his arm around Dean, trying to make him feel a little bit better about what had happened.

"You'd do that for me?" Seth nodded, turning his mouth into a smile, squeezing Dean's figure trying to reassure him. "I don't know how I can ever face her again now."

"You'll have to do a lot more for my mum not to like you, she adores you." Dean slowly smiled, leaning his head on Seth's shoulder, turning his face away from the huge dent.

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