Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #13

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Dean ran upstairs, slamming the door just as Seth walked through the door. He thought Seth hadn't heard him, but he had, and followed behind him.

"Dean!" He'd wedged himself behind the door meaning Seth couldn't get in to see him. "Just let me in." He could hear Dean's tears from behind the door, pushing hard against his resistance to let himself in.

"Go away," Dean whispered from behind the door.

"I'm not going anywhere, just let me in." Dean could hear Seth's hurt in his voice, slowly sliding away from the door, allowing Seth to enter.

Seth calmly walked over to his crumpled body, wrapping his arms around. "Hey, What's wrong," he whispered, placing his hand under Dean's chin, bringing it up so their eyes met. "What's happened?"

"I just miss the road." Seth looked down at the knee brace around Dean's leg, placing his hand softly on it. "I hate watching you go, and seeing you come back, knowing you got to do what you love."

"I know it's hard, but you're going to come back stronger than ever, you've got to take the time out and repair otherwise you could never get in the ring again." Dean nodded, knowing Seth was right, leaning forwards and falling into his chest, holding him tight. "I'm here, I'm not leaving now."

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