CM Punk #18

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I looked up at Punk, smirking to myself as he came down in a pair of shorts and his trainers. "You ready to go?" He grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys and walked towards the door. I didn't move from my seat watching him carry on walking until he finally realised I wasn't moving. "Are we not going or something?" I giggled shaking my head.

"Where's your shirt?" I asked. "You can't go to the gym without a top on." He walked over to me, shaking his head.

"There isn't any rules that say you can't. Plus, I'm sure all the ladies would love a bit of me to encourage and motivate them." I sniggered at him slightly, making him look over at me. He sighed and grabbed his vest making me finally stand and move.

"Just watch yourself on the way out won't you." I stared from behind at all his gorgeous tattoos, and the little ones he'd got for me that I loved the most.

"Why'd you say that babe?" He questioned looking back at me.

"I just don't know if that ego of yours will fit through such a small gap." He gasped, spinning round on his heels and lifting me up into the air.

"Shut up," he whispered, opening the car door and plopping me in the seat. "Love you," he said before shutting the door.

"Yeah yeah," I muttered as he got in the other side.

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