Nigel McGuiness #16

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I walked past the curtain, smiling as I captured my first sighting of Nigel, who slid his headset off his head at the end of the taping. He didn't notice me behind as he mingled with the other guys at the announce table, as I poked my head through the gap.

He had no clue, how was he supposed to know. A huge surprise from across the pond, what better way to treat your man on his birthday? Tom looked up first, waving over to me, making Nigel and Percy both look around. I smirked, as his eyes flew right by me, oblivious to what was happening, until they moved back and landed on me.

"Oh my gosh!" I heard him scream, running over and picking me off my feet. "What are you doing here?" He whispered, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"Happy birthday handsome, I love you." I moved his head back, looking at his baby blue eyes, then leaned in and pecked his lips. He laced his arms around my lower back, moving me back behind the curtain.

"This is the best birthday surprise ever!" I chuckled, brushing the small tufts of hair back out of his face. "How did you ever keep this quiet?"

"A British accent and a cute face, what's not to love." I leaned down and kissed him once again, then leaped out of his hold, tugging to take him backstage where his presents were.

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