Sheamus #41

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When everything feels like it is breaking in front of you, nothing can really make you feel any better. I sighed resting my head on Sheamus' chest, throwing my phone down on the quilt. He picked it up to see what had angered me, his fists bawling when he read it. "Don't be upset love," he whispered, picking me up so my head was inline with his.

"Why do people feel the need to be so cruel," I cried out, gripping onto his arm.

"Come on, you can't let them get you down, you've got to keep that smile on your face." I shook my head, the smile not feeling appropriate. Sheamus looked down sadly at me, desperate not to see the tears fall. He wiped them away from under my eyes, squeezing me tighter. "Babe, smile, for me." He pouted down at me, raising his spare arm into the air, reaching down and attacking my sides with tickles. "There you go."

"No! Sheamus! Please!" I pleaded as my giggle escaped. I tried to fight his grip off but he was just to powerful.

"Let me see that smile and I'll get off." I looked up at him flashing him a wide smile, instantly making me feel better.

"Beautiful," he whispered letting go of me, leaning down and planting a sweet kiss on my lips.

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