Dean Ambrose #1

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"What's wrong?" You remained still and silent, staring off into the distance, down at the rows of seats before the one you were sat in. "Babe?"

"I don't want to talk." You politely told him, having moved up into the seats for a bit of peace and quiet.

"Is it something I did?" You quickly shook your head, disregarding any idea that Dean could've done something. "Then what?"

"Can you just leave me alone for a little while? When I'm ready to talk I'll come and find you." Dean remained sat there for a few more moments, watching to see if you changed your mind.

He let out a little sigh, before standing up from the seat he'd took, walking back down the aisles to the ring where all the guys were practicing.

You could see in the way he walked that he felt so helpless. He wanted to sort out all of your problems, he never wanted to see you sad or mad.

Your eyes watched his every move as he bounced around in the ring with a few of his mates, every so often his eyes glancing up at you to see if you'd left, or if you wanted him to come up as you were ready to talk.

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