Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #4

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Seth ran backstage with his new belt tossed over his shoulder. He only had one person he wanted to see right now, and he wasn't going to be content until he saw his smiling face. "Seth!" He spun around on his heels seeing Dean walk over to him. Seth's pace picked up, running to his boyfriend and leaping into his arms, hitting Dean on the back with the metal of his belt in his hurry.

"I did it! I did it!" He couldn't hide his excitement any longer, completely overcome with emotion. He had to sit back time after time seeing Dean winning belts, but now it was his time.

"You did it handsome, and I couldn't be prouder of you." Dean planted Seth back down onto his feet, taking a couple of steps back from him. Seth took both of Dean's hands in his, unable to wipe his huge smile off of his face.

"Thank you for all the support." Dean nodded, leaning in and kissing Seth's cheek making him blush.

"You did this all yourself, I was just the proud partner sitting back and watching you with the biggest smile of pride on his face." Seth leaned in and kissed Dean back, planting a smacker on his cheek, hugging him tightly, looking down at the belt he gripped tightly.

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