Sasha Banks #18

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I checked myself in the mirror, smiling to myself at the definition in my abs. Sasha lied with her back to me on the bed, responding to all her emails like she usually did. I smiled, walking back into our room, coughing to catch her attention.

She slowly turned around, pushing her glasses up her nose, smirking to herself as I leaned on the door frame, flexing my biceps nice and high for her to see. "Where's your shirt muscles?" I giggled walking over to the bed and lying down, pulling her over and onto my chest. "Babe!" She squealed as my hands fell onto her hips.

"Yes?" I asked quickly pausing, furrowing my brows at me. "You called my name?"

"It wasn't your name, I was actually calling the dog." I shook my head, digging into her sides slightly making her squeal, I carried on going as her laugh only got louder and louder.

"Tell me I'm your only babe, then I'll let go." I span her around so she was looking right at me, watching her closely as she tried to protest and wriggle out of my grip, but I just tickled her harder, giving her no choice.

"Fine, you're my only babe." I let go of her as she rolled away from me, panting for breath from all the laughing. "Now go put on a shirt."

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