Seth Rollins #5

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"Hey," a voice whispered, coming up behind me, a plastic bag in his hand.

"All unpacked?" I queried, locking my phone so my full attention was on Seth.

"Yeah, there's just one thing left." I nodded, watching as he walked towards me and placed the bag on my lap, then sat on the sofa.

"Is this for me?" He nodded, staring between the bag and me.

I reached in feeling a soft material in my hand, pulling it out to reveal a soft cuddly bear with a red jumper that had China written across. "Cute!" I exclaimed.

"I know I don't usually buy you presents, but he was just too adorable to leave on the shelf." I lifted him up to get a better look, pulling his jumper down so it was straight.

"Thank you so much, I love him, he'll be my perfect companion whilst you're away." He smiled, his eyes serious.

"Only when I'm away I hope." I nodded with a chuckle, sitting him down on my lap.

"Maybe you should bring me back gifts more often if this is what I get."

"Don't get your hopes up, I think customs might get a bit suspicious after awhile."

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