Dean Ambrose x Seth Rollins #27

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Dean looked down at his blooded fist, only to quickly hide it behind a cushion when Seth came through the back door. He went straight for the kettle and made two cups of coffee before walking in and greeting his boyfriend. "Good day?" He asked taking a seat. He placed Dean's drink on the table, which Dean quickly grabbed. "What happened?" Dean looked down noticing his bruises and marks looking straight at Seth.

He sighed, "I got involved in a little brawl." Seth sighed too, he had slowly become accustomed to Dean's erratic behaviour.

"What went down now?" Seth asked, dreading on the inside, thinking through all sorts of possibilities.

"Some guy was slagging you off and completely disrespecting you." Seth put his drink down ready to speak but he was interrupted. "I know what you're going to say, but I was just trying to protect you." Seth put his drink down, walking over and sitting by Dean.

"I appreciate that but I'm still gonna say it. These fights aren't worth the physical pain, just be the bigger person and ignore them." Dean nodded earning himself a quick peck on the cheek.

"You're always worth the pain." Dean smiled sweetly at Seth leaning in and kissing him back, cupping his face lightly, admiring his little features.

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