Jeff Hardy #11

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"Are you sure you made me tea?" I looked across at Jeff who looked up from his phone, the smirk instantly growing.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know how to make a mug of tea." I nodded, placing it down on the table.

"That's funny because it tastes distinctly of coffee, which I also happen to dislike." His smile only grew, as he stood up from the table.

"It was just a joke, I promise." I raised my eyebrow giving him a stern and unimpressed glare.

"I swear down I'm going to give you ten seconds to run." He froze to the spot, holding his hands up in defence.

"Let's be real you couldn't even hurt a fly." As much as I didn't want to laugh he was so right.

"Fine. But still don't ever do something like that to me again, you know how much I can't stand that stuff." He chuckled, placing his hands on my shoulders.

"You can't even say it can you?" He queried. I shrugged my shoulders, looking straight into his eyes. "Such a wuss."

"Shut up, just because you're some caffeine driven monster doesn't mean we all are." He nodded, rolling his eyes and pecking my cheek.

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