Tye Dillinger #25

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"It doesn't even hurt anymore babe, I'm alright." Tye wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding me through the corridor.

"I'm not taking any chances." He told me as I hobbled on my one strong foot down to the trainer's room.

"I just need to run it off, it'll be fine in ten minutes, you're overreacting completely." He shook his head in objection, refusing to stop and let me sit down.

"Can you just go and get it checked out for me? Please." He pouted over at me, doing his signature sad eyes that I fell for all the time.

"Fine." I said reluctantly as he opened the door to the doctor, sitting me on the chair. The trainer checked over my foot as Tye held my hand the entire time, making me feel as if I was being prepared for major surgery.

"Alright, the ankle is all checked over, just a minor sprain, you should be perfectly fine in a day or two." He shook my hand leaving the room, as I turned around smirking at Tye.

"I told you," I joked.

"Alright, I admit I was wrong to bring you here, but it gives me peace of mind now knowing that you're alright." I kissed the top of his head in reaction to his kind and considerate words.

"Maybe you should listen to me more often," I told him, hopping down from the bed.

"Don't push it," he teased, wrapping his arm back around me.

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