Corey Graves #35

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" I felt his cold hand land on top of mine, squeezing it gently, complimented with a soft smile.

"Yeah of course I am, there's no better time like the present." Corey nodded in agreement, veering the car slightly left down the road.

"No regrets right?" He smiled, a soft glimmer of excitement in his eye. "This is what we both want."

"Exactly." I felt a little twang inside, but this is entirely what Corey wanted to do. "Eloping from our families, marrying in secret, keeping it on the down low." I trailed off with a mutter, turning to look out of the window.

"Are you sure?" Corey asked, always picking up on the slightest little thing.

"Yeah, it's what you want right." He shook his head, looking between the road and I.

"Well yes, but I want it to be what you want too. Marriage is a big thing." I nodded, forcing myself to stare over at him.

"It is what I want. We can always do something nice with everyone else once works a little less...hectic." Corey chuckled.

"That sounds perfect," he encouraged, squeezing my hand once again in support.

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