Finn Balor #40

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You watched Finn as he built up yet another creation of Lego, the concentration in his eyes. His fingers flittered around all the pieces, trying different combinations until he got it right. He didn't even notice you were standing there until you spoke up. "Need a hand?" He looked up over at you, smiling.

"No disrespect darling but after last time, I think I'll pass on that offer." You nodded still walking over and sitting at the table with him. He looked up at you confused.

"Don't worry my hands will remain firmly off of the table." You placed them on your lap, making him laugh. You couldn't help but stare at his furrowed brows and his lips that were biting his tongue as he worked. "What goes through your mind when you're building?" He sighed looking up at you.

"How I wish my gorgeous girlfriend would stop distracting me when I'm doing it." You giggled at his response, as he placed his Lego on the table.

"You're so funny!" You said sarcastically. "No, but seriously."

"I guess just which piece you want to pick, and if I think it will work or not." You nodded over at him.

"I'll leave you to it," you said standing up from the table.

"It's not because of what I said is it?"

"No, it's not." You told him kissing the top of your head and walking out.

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