Finn Balor #11

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You placed the bucket perfectly on top of the door, the roped tied up just like the demonstration had shown you, grinning to yourself. "Finn! Can you come here really quickly please." You could hear his footsteps running down the stairs and towards your room. You stepped back as the door swung open, the bucket falling, and water drenching your boyfriend. He stood still in shock, smiling at your success. He slowly looked up, staring at you.

"I swear down I'm going to give you ten seconds to run or they'll be trouble." You went to go and run past him out of the room when you felt his arms snake around you, lifting you up in the air. "Did you really think I'd let you get away that easily?"

"Finn, you're all wet!" You squealed, little droplets of water running down your body.

"Who's fault is that?" You giggled in his grip, squirming around to get out. "Oh, you want me to let go of you?" He asked making you nod. "How about an apology first." You stayed quiet kicking your legs out, but Finn's strength meant you didn't get very far.

"Alright, I'm sorry." You squealed as your feet hit the ground. "Thank you."

"Oh no really, thank you," he said walking away to go and get changed.

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